On May 28, 2021, United Charitable dedicated "Philanthropy Friday" to Brick Road To Success on their Facebook Page. Here's what they shared:
"It's Philanthropy Friday! And we’re eager to share!
This Friday we highlight a Fiscally Sponsored Program dedicated to positively impacting the lives of young individuals through the investment of time, resources, philanthropy, and encouragement.
Meet BRICK ROAD TO SUCCESS, Brick Road To Success established in 2008 by former NFL and current collegiate coach Brick Haley and his wife Tina. Inspired by the family’s ongoing journey through autism with their middle son A.J., the Haley’s revised the focus of the foundation in 2009 to emphasize the support of autism related programs and activities for youth.
"As a parent, I want what's best for my children. As a parent of an autistic child, I seek opportunities for him to live as normal a life as possible. That is one of the primary goals of any parent with an autistic child. Support towards this cause allows for Increased awareness, family services, research, and development. Thank you for making an Impact In the lives of those affected by autism." - Brick Haley
Join us in showing them your support!
To learn more about this #FSP and see how you can get involved, visit them at www.brickroadtosuccess.org
#PhilanthropyFriday #FiscallySponsoredProgram #charitablejourneys #inspiredchangemakers #charitablegiving #charitabledoing #givingback #philanthropy #donate #charity #nonprofit #socialgood"

We would like to thank United Charitable for such a special feature.